Summer is officially over and can I be the first to say, hooray!! I love fall, I like being slightly chilled. I feel a spark when the freeze is on, I just keel over and die in the summer. Too hot. So welcome fall, welcome September and soon October.
Working on some new projects with some new clients which is always great. Love to hear fresh ideas and different approaches to layouts and the like. These are cute, two new kids' related books- kicky stuff.
So what else is going on? Work has been great, no complaint there. I've been working on getting a few book proposals out there. One is delivered to my agent and I've been working on the other manuscript for a YA novel for over a year now and I'm so close to being done, it's killing me! I know how it's going to end and I'm enjoying the ride but I get so anxious, I worry I'm shooting myself in the foot. But it's crazy-fun to do and we'll see if I can turn it out the barn door before 2007.
Doing some educational illos for a textbook this past week and they're trying a different technique of sharing work. I'm cool with uploading and downloading work from servers but for whatever reason, their server hates me. It sees my computer and boots me off time and again, ugh. I tricked it once and it worked, now I have to keep doing it that way until it recognizes me I guess. Yay technology.
New books are out:
'Let's Paint the 90's' by Quirk, http://www.amazon.com/Lets-Paint-90s-Jason-Rekulak/dp/1594741077/sr=8-1/qid=1158994696/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-7175163-5656760?ie=UTF8&s=books
Boys' and Guide to Being a Teen: http://www.amazon.com/American-Medical-Association-Guide-Becoming/dp/0787983438/sr=1-2/qid=1158994763/ref=sr_1_2/104-7175163-5656760?ie=UTF8&s=books
AND Girls' Guide to Being a Teen: http://www.amazon.com/American-Medical-Association-Guide-Becoming/dp/0787983446/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_b/104-7175163-5656760?ie=UTF8
Available September 26th, the third 'Caped Sixth Grader': http://www.amazon.com/Caped-6th-Grader-Lightning-Strikes/dp/0440420814/sr=1-1/qid=1158994912/ref=sr_1_1/104-7175163-5656760?ie=UTF8&s=books
Hopefully I won't wait another month to post a new entry! later...